Daytime work by La Providence

AAF La Providence employees

While our employees used to work mostly in staggered shifts, struggling to find a balance between their professional and family lives, La Providence decided to take action. With a commitment to social and societal responsibility, the company introduced daytime work.

For many, working during the day is the norm. However, some jobs, particularly in the service industry, require working at night or irregular hours. Often underappreciated and unnoticed, this type of work needed a solution to optimize conditions. Moreover, the benefits of daytime work are numerous and significant.

The Benefits of Daytime Work

Improving Employee Well-being

AAF La Providence employees

First of all, it aligns with our natural sleep cycle. Our bodies are naturally programmed to be active during the day and rest at night. When we work during the day, we are more likely to be alert and focused, which can lead to increased productivity and better professional performance. Additionally, daytime work allows for maintaining a regular sleep schedule, which is essential for our overall health and well-being.

Daytime work can also have positive effects on physical and mental health. It has been shown that exposure to natural light during the day improves mood and reduces symptoms of depression. Additionally, working during the day allows for outdoor activities and exercise, which can improve physical health and overall well-being.

Moreover, daytime work offers the opportunity to maintain a better work-life balance. When working at night or irregular hours, it can be challenging to find time for family, friends, hobbies, or activities outside of work. Daytime work allows for a more consistent routine, making it easier to plan and prioritize personal time.

Facilitating Interaction

Daytime work can also offer more opportunities for social interaction and networking. Many businesses and organizations operate during office hours, which means daytime work allows for collaboration with colleagues, attending meetings and events, and building professional relationships. This can lead to greater job satisfaction and career advancement.

Additionally, with daytime work, occupants have the opportunity to ensure proper maintenance of premises, respond to unexpected events, and better understand the needs of their employees regarding cleanliness and hygiene.

This arrangement also allows companies to better recognize the essential nature of our employees' work, get to know them better, and develop a stronger professional relationship with them, improving communication.

Occupant Hesitations

Despite the many advantages of daytime work, some businesses are hesitant to adopt it for several reasons. First, they fear the lack of confidentiality that this setup could bring to their operations. Additionally, they worry about the ability of their employees and our workers to coexist and work together without disturbing each other. Finally, they are concerned that daytime work might result in higher costs.

To address these concerns, La Providence has thought of everything. Employees undergo specific training to maintain and respect the confidentiality expected by the company. They are also trained to work as discreetly as possible to avoid disturbing the occupants. They are supported by our innovations in co-botics, such as the autonomous vacuum robot, connected kiosks, and digital service reports. Furthermore, La Providence provides personalized support during this organizational shift and ensures a well-adjusted schedule with unchanged working hours.

AAF La Providence daytime work

While night or irregular hours might be necessary for some, daytime work offers numerous benefits for employees' health and well-being and improves their work performance, ultimately benefiting businesses. It’s a win-win situation for everyone! Today, La Providence operates on nearly 1 million square meters of client sites with a daytime organization, accounting for almost 30% of our activity.

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