The essence of our CSR strategy

La Providence social issue

social issue

  • To provide a serene and fulfilling work environment by eliminating hazards and reducing OHS risks
  • Supporting our employees by offering daytime work to reduce job insecurity
  • Deploying our TMS PRO program
  • Consult and involve our employees and their representatives
La Providence environmental issue

environmental issue

  • Reduce the impact of our activities on the environment
  • Reduce our carbon footprint
  • Integrate environmental criteria into our purchasing policies and give priority to innovative projects
  • Develop the skills of our employees
La Providence economical issue

economic issue

  • To perpetuate a sustainable economic and qualitative development
  • Share our experience and be a force of proposal
  • To build customer loyalty
  • Satisfy legal and other requirements
La Providence societal issue

societal issue

  • Promote our ethical charter
  • Favour and value our young talents
  • Promote diversity and inclusion
  • Contribute to the general interest by structuring our sponsorship

CSR Certifications*

ISO 9001 v 2015

  • Compliant service
  • Customer satisfaction

ISO 14001 v 2015

  • Reducing environmental impact, preventing pollution
  • Compliance with regulations and requirements

ISO 45001 v 2018

  • Occupational health and safety risk management

*As stated in our certificates and their appendices.

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La Providence responsible employer

Committing ourselves as a responsible employer

Providing a quiet and fulfilling work environment

  • Reconciling work and personal lives
  • Maintaining and developing employee motivation and commitment
  • Guaranteeing well-being at work
  • Protection of health and safety at work
  • In the process of obtaining OHSAS 18001 Health and Safety certification

Developing, supporting and training our employees

  • Staff training
  • Skills development
  • Employee support

Promoting diversity and inclusion

  • Promoting the integration of disabled people
  • Encouraging age diversity
La Providence conserving the environment

Conserving the environment

Reducing the impact of our activity on the environment

  • ISO 14001 certified for environmental management systems
  • On-site electrolysis
  • Concentrated and eco-label product dilution plants
  • Applying the pure water principle
  • Training our employees in eco-friendly behaviours

Reducing our carbon footprint

  • Clean labelling
  • "Clean" vehicle fleet
  • Dematerialising administrative processes

Integrating environmental criteria into our buying policy and prioritising innovative projects

  • The life cycle of our activities: product research/innovative equipment
  • Equipment recycling policy
La Providence building lasting relationships

Building lasting relationships

Prioritising sustainable economic and qualitative development

  • Clear information
  • Economic attractiveness and performance
  • Performance tracking tools

Sharing our experience, being proactive and offering guidance

  • A department dedicated to innovation and the digital sphere
  • Collaborative working
  • Support and advice

Winning customer loyalty

  • ISO 9001 certified for quality management systems
  • Communication tools
  • A predictive service
La Providence civic minded company


  • Promote our ethical charter
  • Favour and value our young talents
  • Promote diversity and inclusion
  • Contribute to the general interest by structuring our sponsorship
  • Highlight our ethical charter (100%)
  • Strengthen our teams (number of apprentices)
  • Preserve the rate of disabled people (>6%)
  • Promote the Fondation La Providence (number of communications) 

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